Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Night Shots

Taken 11/29/11
Nikon D7000
Sigma 30mm f/1.4
10 seconds
ISO 200
Focal Length: 30mm
Tripod Used

Nikon D7000
Sigma 30mm f/1.4
5 seconds
Focal Length: 30mm
ISO 200
Tripod Used

For my night shots, I decided to do two that was slightly a long exposures. Night shots are something that I’ve come to really enjoy doing because you can do so many different things with it, especially when you get into painting with lights and long exposure. I think that its something to do with the all black scenery and how the lights just stick out out of everything. Then, things can start to get interesting when you longer exposures because you have car’s going by and leaving streaks of lights like in one of my photos.
One photo that I did was on the corner of 24th and Grand. I was going for a long exposure with that shot because I wanted to show just how busy traffic can be. But that isn’t really the main focus either. I thought that it would be cool getting all the streaks of lights from the cars as they’re driving and turning. It can make for a really interesting composition. I had the ISO low so that I could get a longer exposure and also had to turn the aperture up so that less light was coming in. Just messing with these two settings and being in aperture priority allowed for the exposure to be about what I wanted it to be and capture the motion of the cars. It did take a lot of messing around with, but I eventually got it.
The other shot that I did is one of my roommates. When people go to raves, they sometimes have these gloves that they use to go with the music. In a way, its a style of dance but with your hands. So I did a long exposure of his hands using those gloves and going with the music.

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